Jones the Bones Muscle and Joint oil

We have recently started using a new massage oil in clinic, it is aptly named ‘Jones The Bones Muscle and Joint Oil, it is a safe, gentle and effective therapeutic massage oil. To be honest the name was enough to draw us in, isn’t it cool!

Formulated by Founder and Osteopath George Jones, Jones the Bones Muscle and Joint Oil has been created to help ease the symptoms associated with Osteoarthritis, Fibromyalgia, growing pains and to aid recovery from sporting injuries. It is already sounding like a winner!

Made from wild harvested hypericum, macerated in sunflower oil for a lunar month. The Benefits of using Jones The Bones Muscle and Joint Oil are as follows:

  • Hypericum has long been recognized to have an anti inflammatory action. It has been used by herbalists since the Middle Ages to treat wounds and traumatic injuries, especially those in nerve rich areas. 

  • Lavender essential oil encourages healing particularly from burns.  It is also known for its seditive properties. Along with Roman Chamomile essential oil, they have a calming, soporific, and analgesic properties.

  • Rosemary essential oil stimulates the blood flow, and along with Marjoram essential oil works to reduce muscle spam.

However the proof is in the pudding as they say, ideally you would apply this twice a day to any painful joint or aching muscle and it is apparently great as a post exercise muscle rub. However, we will only be using it on you as and when you visit, so if you would like to purchase your own oil to top up, please visit the lovely Amelie shop at 18 Bath Street, out local stockist and do let us know what you think of it.