Active Chiropractic moving forward in a crisis...

This enforced time out of clinic has given us plenty of time to reflect on how we see the clinic progressing in the future and identifying any areas where we could strengthen our business model. One of the few difficulties about working as we do, is that during the day we are busy seeing patients and clients, and at the weekend we want to enjoy our time together and with family, which doesn’t leave much time for creative business thinking and planning! So although we are missing you all, and it feels very strange not to be on the go and helping you all out, we have really appreciated and made the most of this enforced thinking time!

The clinic is running really well, we started with a new reception team last year, they are all trained Chiropractic assistants and we feel this has really enhanced our service for patients right from the very minute you call us. We have been in our new premises at Club Soulgenic for over two years now, we love it, it has proved to be a popular location and we are enjoying working with other health professionals and within the Club itself. Those of you who have known us of old, will be aware that we are both keen on learning and extending our knowledge. We both consistently exceed our 30 hours Continuing Professional Development (legal annual requirement) with pleasure!

The main area we felt we could strengthen was having Penny more involved with our ergonomic consultancy, which is largely run by Grant. To this end Penny embarked on training as an Office Workstation Assessor, which she completed last week. Well done Penny! This is such useful knowledge to share in clinic with patients and she plans on extending her learning and working more closely with Grant on the expansion of our ergonomic consultancy business.