Advice on setting up your office chair at home.

As we isolate through the COVID-19 crisis, more of us have had to move to working from home without the chance to first set up a safe and comfortable working area. So we want to share our expertise on reducing back and neck pain, whilst managing your posture when working from home.

If you have an office chair to use at home do you know how to adjust it? Search online for your chair’s make and model. Most manufacturers have PDF’s and videos on how the chair controls work. 

The General principles of sitting when working are: Aim to lean back against the backrest of your chair, feet flat on the floor or a footrest, with your knees slightly lower than your hips, with your desk-top ideally at elbow height.

Checklist in this order.

  1. Adjust the height of the seat so your elbows are level with your desk or table.

  2. Your knees should be slightly lower then your hips.

  3. If your feet are now off the ground, rest them on a small box.

  4. If your knees are higher than your hips, the desk is probably too low for you, either raise your desk on some blocks of wood, or stretch your legs out.  

Read our other blogs written to create a healthier working environment at home to help you during the COVID-19 crisis. For further help or a private consultation email Grant and Penny at